List of Figure
Figure 1.2 Raw Water Supply Sources
Figure 2.1 Total Annual Raw Water Consumption
Figure 2.3 Forecast Demand without Conservation
Figure 3.2 Per Unit Cost of Water Supply Facilities
Figure 3.3 Maximum-Day Demand and Proposed Supply Capacity (Without Conservation)
Figure 7.1a Maximum-Day Demand and Proposed Supply Capacity (With and Without Conservation)
Figure 7.1b Maximum-Day Demand and Revised Supply Capacity (With and Without Conservation)
Worksheet 1-1: Water System Profile
Worksheet 1-2: Summary of System Conditions
Worksheet 1-3: Summary of Current Conservation Activities
Worksheet 2-1: Preliminary Water Demand Forecast
Worksheet 3-1: Anticipated Improvements and Additions
Worksheet 3-1a Summary of Anticipated Improvements and Additions
Worksheet 3-1b Long Range Plan for Capital Improvements
Worksheet 3-2: Cost of Supply-Side Facilities
Worksheet 3-3: Cost of Supply-Side Facilities (Alternative Approach with Cost Escalation and Discounting
Worksheet 3-3(2): Cost of Supply-Side Facilities
Worksheet 3-3a: Estimate of Additional Capacity for CIP
Worksheet 3-4: Preliminary Supply-Capacity Forecast
Worksheet 5-1: Conservation Measures Identified in the Planning Process
Worksheet 5-2: Conservation Programs Identified in the Planning Process
Worksheet 6-1: Analysis of Each Conservation Measure or Group of Measures and Programs
- Low Flush Toilets
- Low Flush Urinals
- Low Flow Showerheads
- Low Flow Kitchen Faucets
- Low Flow Bathroom Faucets
- Efficient Washing Machines
- Replace old meter w/radio read meters
- Replacement of lawn with Low Water Use Landscapes
- Rain Sensors for automated irrigation systems
- Leak Detection Program
Worksheet 6-2: Comparison of Benefits and Costs of the Conservation Measures and Programs
Worksheet 6-3: Selection of Conservation Measures/Programs and Estimate of Water Savings
Worksheet 7-1: Modified Demand Forecast
Worksheet 7-2: Project-Specific Savings
Worksheet 7-3a: Modified Supply Forecast and Estimated Total Savings
Worksheet 7-3b: Estimated Total Savings
Worksheet 8-1: Implementation Schedule for Measures and Programs
Water Efficient Fixtures and Appliances:
- Toilets
- Urinals
- Showerheads
- Faucets
- Efficient Washing Machines
- Rain Sensors
- Automatic Valves
- Sprinkler Heads
- Low Water Use Landscapes
- Leak Detection